Turkmenbashi International Seaport is a state organization under the authority of the “Turkmendenizderyayollary” agency, which in turn is subordinate to the Transport and Communications agency under the Cabinet Ministers of Turkmenistan. The port is located on the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea intended for international transportation of various types of cargo and is a “sea gate” connecting Central Asia and Europe by sea, road and rail serves as the largest transit hub in the region. The functions of ensuring the safety of navigation, establishing control and supervision over compliance with national and international requirements in the port area are assigned to the Service of the Port Captain of the Administration of State Supervision of Navigation in Turkmenistan. All production operations in the port are carried out in accordance with the technological schemes and rules approved and in force on the territory of TIS.
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Turkmenbashi International Seaport © 2024
- +993 243 4 91 92 +993 243 4 95 24
- @tisp.marketing@port.com.tm
- Turkmenistan, Balkan region, Turkmenbashi city, Shagadam street, house 8.